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Advertising Opportunities with Auto Services Directory

Website Banner Advertising Rates

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Get on the fast track... advertise your Automotive related Business, Product or Service with Auto Pages Directory and drive traffic to your website or bricks and mortar store!

Please note that a business listing in our directory is free!
There is no charge to have your business listed in the center section of any page on the site. Just send us all your business info by email and request that we add your business.

*New for 2015* - For a cost of $20/year we will bold your business listing and place it at the top of the section above the other business listings (first come first serve).

2015 Banner Advertising Rates

We can offer you advertising placement in three locations on the page:
a) Random rotation of banner ad in top header of each page (all pages)
b) In the Sponsored Advertisers section top left (all pages)
c) In the Sponsored Advertisers section top left (Auto Parts / Auto Dealers only)

Available Ad Sizes are:

Banner 468w x 60h
Square: 125w x 125h
Mini-tower 120w x 300h (or 125w x 300h)
Full Tower 120w x 600h (or 125w x 600h)

Advertising Packages

Ads that show on an Individual Page/Section only
Individual 1: Banner Ad(top of single page[min rotation of 1 in 3]) 5.95/month
Individual 2: Square Ad(left of single page[min rotation of 1 in 3]) 5.95/month
Individual 3: Mini-tower Ad(left of single page[min rotation of 1 in 3]) 9.95/month
Individual 4: Full-tower Ad(left of single page[min rotation of 1 in 3]) 12.95/month

Ads that show on most ALL Pages/Sections
Individual 1: Random/Rotating Banner Ad (top of all pages[min rotation of 1 in 8]) 9.95/month
Individual 2: Random/Rotating Square Ad (left of all pages [min rotation of 1 in 8]) 9.95/month
Individual 3: Random/Rotating mini-tower Ad (left of all pages [min rotation of 1 in 8]) 12.95/month
Individual 4: Random/Rotating full-tower Ad (left of all pages [min rotation of 1 in 8]) 18.95/month

Combo Packages
Combo Package 1: Random/Rotating Banner + Square Ad (rotating 1 in 8) $15.95/month
Combo Package 2: Random/Rotating Banner + Mini-tower Ad (rotating 1 in 8) $17.95/month
Combo Package 3: Random/Rotating Banner + Full-tower Ad (rotating 1 in 8)$24.95/month

Top Ads
Top Package 1: Square Ad (on all pages no rotation, posn1) $19.95/month
Top Package 2: Square Ad (on all pages no rotation, posn2) $17.95/month
Top Package 3: Square Ad (on all pages no rotation, posn3) $14.95/month
Top Package 4: Square Ad (on all pages no rotation, posn4) $12.95/month

Top Package 5: Mini-Tower (on all pages no rotation)1,3 $24.95/month
Top Package 6: Full-Tower (on all pages no rotation)2,3 $34.95/month

1. - Non-rotating Mini-Tower Ads occupy slots 1,2,3 so in essence they occur at the top of the left or right side.
2. - Non-rotating Full-Tower Ads occupy slots 3-7 so it is possible that 1 or 2 square ads will be shown above the full-tower ad.
3. - Includes FREE Rotating Banner Ad. All ads require a minimum 3 month commitment paid in advance.

Ad cost does not include creation of the Ad graphic. Clients either supply their own (based on sizes and specs above) or we can create the ad for you using your supplied logo and colours, etc.(A one time Ad creation cost of $75.00 applies)

Banner Ad Technical Specifications

  • Graphics should be saved in RGB colour mode
  • Resolution: 72 dpi
  • Formats: JPG, GIF or PNG
  • Animated Gifs are acceptable (We must review and approve)
  • Flash Animations are also acceptable (We must review and approve first)

Private Ads

Coming Soon... Complete your Ad On-line!

Dealer Ads

Dealers please email us to find out more about advertising your dealership and inventory on-line with us.

CarProof Ad Experian Automotive - Auto Check Banner Ad

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